

I’m Gwen. Welcome, I am so excited you’re here with me!

Healthy Chocolate Macaroons with Egg Free Option

Healthy Chocolate Macaroons with Egg Free Option

These are a good time.



  • 3 Cups Shredded Coconut, unsweetened

  • 1/3 Cup Cocoa powder, unsweetened

  • 1 tsp Cinnamon OR pure Vanilla extract

  • pinch of salt

  • 1/4 Cup Honey, raw

  • 1/4 Cup Almond butter, unsweetened. If you need nut free for school like we do, use sunflower seed butter instead.

  • 3/4 Cup full fat coconut milk

  • 1 whipped (until stiff peaks formed) egg white, OPTIONAL. This will help the macaroons stick together and be a bit more crisp on the outside, but it is NOT necessary.


Preheat oven to 300 degrees.


  1. In a large bowl mix together the coconut, cocoa powder, cinnamon, and pinch of salt until combined.

  2. Add honey, almond butter, and coconut milk and mix until everything is wet and sticking together. At this point, if you’re using the whipped egg white gently fold it it now.

  3. Using a measuring tablespoon FIRMLY push the mixture into the spoon, this is especially important if you’re not using egg whites as this is what will make everything hold together.

    Then carefully pop it out and place on parchment paper lined cookie sheet. I use my fingers to push the mixture into the spoon, and yes, my hand gets dirty with coconut sharpnel. But it’s yummy so it’s not a big deal!

    If you don’t pack it into the spoon firmly they will be more crumbly and fall apart.

  4. Place macaroons on parchment lined cookie sheet, making sure to leave a bit of space around each one so they heat can easily circulate and cook things evenly.

  5. Bake for 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely before serving.


Melt 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate with a tsp of coconut oil in a double broiler and drizzle over cooled macaroons. This isn’t necessary but does add some fancy action to the situation!


Final Thoughts

These are so simple and easy and yummy they make my heart happy. They’re also low in sugar and high in healthy fats, and with the 1/4 cup of almond butter we’re actually getting some good protein as well!

These are a great snack for school lunches, after school, OR enjoyed with a cup of tea. We also love them after dinner because they’re delicious enough to feel special but small enough to not get a crazy sugar spike at the end of the day.

If you enjoy this recipe please share it far and wide and help spread the idea eating less sugar doesn’t mean life isn’t still sweet!

It makes a huge difference for me, knowing that people are enjoying my recipes.

Kindness for a million days,


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