

I’m Gwen. Welcome, I am so excited you’re here with me!

Chocolate & Super Seed Energy Bombs

Chocolate & Super Seed Energy Bombs

A school friendly snack (nut free) that takes a hot minute to zip up, and even though it tastes like a sweet treat, it’s actually so loaded with good for you seeds it’s hard to not say it’s a full on health bomb.



  • 1/2 Cup Raw Sunflower Seeds

  • 1/2 Cup Coconut Flour

  • 2 Large TBSPs Sunflower Seed Butter. (I just didn’t bother scraping off the extra bumps and lumps on the top of the spoon… you know, because I’m lazy and don’t want to make an extra dish!)

  • 3 TBSP Raw and Local Honey—yes, it matters.

  • 2 TBSP Unsweetened Cocoa Powder.

  • 1 TBSP Freshly Ground Flax (Once flax has been ground it goes rancid quite quickly, so I just do small batches in the vitamix and stash it in the freezer.)

  • 1 TBSP Hemp Seeds

  • 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla



  1. Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until sunflower seeds are chopped up small-ish and everything is all mashed up together.

    It should be a bit sticky, but not TOO sticky.

  2. Scoop or pinch a bit of the dough and roll into desired ball size. Repeat until you’re done. ;)

  3. Store in the fridge to keep firm, they will hold their shape as long as they don’t get too hot.



Nutrition And Tips

Ok, here goes.

Sunflower seeds are rich in healthy fats, beneficial plant compounds that can help prevent chronic diseases, and several vitamins and minerals including vitamin E and selenium.

Coconut flour is PACKED with fiber, provides medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and plant-based iron.

Cocoa powder is rich in polyphenols, which have significant health benefits, including
reduced inflammation and improved cholesterol levels. Also, it’s delicious, and that’s important for our health as well.

Flax seeds are good sources of a bucket load of nutrients, mainly due to their content of omega-3 fats, lignans (cancer fighting badassery) and fiber. One TBSP has a good amount of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, and is also a solid source of some vitamins and minerals that all fight the good fight in our health journey. WIN.

Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats and essential fatty acids. They are also a great protein source and contain high amounts of vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc.

Seeds are seriously AMAZING when it comes to supporting our health.

(A great resource to learn more about the greatness of ingredients is they have buckets of research backed information on seemingly endless ingredients!)


Final Thoughts

A lot of the time we’re looking for a quick little snack that’s not going to spike our insulin levels, but still taste great. These win in both areas—AND they are also packed with nutrients.

That’s what I am CONSTANTLY working on in my kitchen, because the sugar overload is a real problem in our lives.

But I know that food that feeds our sweet soul, can also feed our gut microbiome.

Let me know what you’re thoughts are! I always love hearing from you, and please, don’t forget to share this with the people you love.

Because more than anything, food tastes better when it’s made by hand and shared with people we love. Even if it’s just a recipe from one side of the pond to the other.



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