

I’m Gwen. Welcome, I am so excited you’re here with me!

Grain and Sugar Free Monkey Cookies

Grain and Sugar Free Monkey Cookies

So dang easy you will be laughing with grain free cookie joy!

But honestly, these are still moist and chocolaty and delicious, and YES, the bananas have sugar in them but it’s not refined white sugar.

Bananas are rich in fiber, antioxidants and several nutrients and while they do have naturally occuring sugars, they also have shouldn’t spike sugar levels in healthy individuals.

*If you have type 2 diabetes this might not be the same for you and it is advised to potentially avoid masses of mashed super ripe bananas, and to monitor sugar levels carefully!


Preheat oven to 350


  • 2 Bananas

  • 1/4 Cup nut or seed butter (I like almond butter, but sunflower seed is great as well!)

  • 2 Cups shredded coconut

  • 1/4 Cup cocoa powder, unsweetened.

  • pinch of salt (1/4 tsp)

  • 1 tsp Pure Vanilla extract (optional)

  • 1 tsp Cinnamon (optional)

    I use either vanilla OR cinnamon, not usually both. ;)

    • Feel free to add in chocolate chips if you have some that are compliant with your dietary needs.



  1. LIne a baking sheet with parchment paper

  2. Put bananas in a good size bowl and mash

  3. Add nut or seed butter, and vanilla if using and stir until combined.

  4. Add the coconut, pinch of salt, and cinnamon (if using) and carefully mix this together… it’s easier than you think.

  5. Scoop the cookie dough out of bowl with a heaping TBSP and plop onto your baking sheet. Leaving space between each cookie.

  6. Using the back of a fork or spoon shape these into nice round shapes and flatten them until they’re about a 1/4 thick or so.

  7. Bake for 10 - 12 minutes.

  8. Remove and allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container in the fridge.


Nutrition And Tips

I love bananas. I bake with them A LOT.

Some people don’t like them because of the sugar content, and for some people that is legit! But if you’re like me and are just trying to reduce the amount of sugar in your life, bananas are a great nutritionally rich and naturally sweet option!

Check out this link to see what bananas have to offer you in the way of health.


Final Thoughts

I don’t use a lot of traditional sugar around here anymore, but I DO use a lot of bananas, dates, honey, maple syrup, and sometimes coconut sugar and blackstrap molasses.

It took me a long time to make the switch, but what it came down to was not wanting to make one treat for Scotty (thyroid disease so doesn’t eat sugar to keep inflammation down in his body) and another for the kids… who just want something yummy!

And to be honest, I LOVE SWEETS! I love them.

So, I make them so that they’re pretty dang healthy and I feel good about enjoying them.

Food is meant to be enjoyed!

Ok, rant over.

I hope you like the cookies! If you do please share the recipe far and wide.

Thank you so much,


Nut Free Chocolate Monkey Cookies.

Nut Free Chocolate Monkey Cookies.

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