Unlock a Healthier, Happier You

And Get Your SPARKLE back!

Radical Midlife Reboot:

For women who have been care taking for so damn long they’re often left feeling resentful, exhausted and depleted — but WANT to feel vibrant, alive and get their zest sparkle back.

Finally break free from putting your own needs last,

and START optimising your health and habits for longevity.

Learn to respect and love your body,

and start having more fun and feeling fulfilled, energetic and excited about your future.

It’s time to feel healthy, energetic, confident and balanced in your life

Feel healthy and balanced.

Have more energy and confidence.

Start TRULY enjoying your life.

Maybe you know you need to make changes in your life and start prioritising yourself and your health, but there’s just a few problems:

You don’t have time, it feels overwhelming and maybe scary, you don’t know where to start, and the idea of change makes you sweat… But maybe things staying the exact same as things are now, without ever truly trying to change, makes you feel even worse?

Maybe you’re tired of thinking about everyone else’s feelings and needs and opinions and wants, and dream of being able to say NO and set boundaries without feeling like you’re the worst person on the planet.

Maybe you’ve reached a point in your life when enough is enough.

You’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and you want to make some changes!

So you get on the Googles and immediately start feeling overwhelmed with ideas and options, and then you remember all the books you’ve bought but never opened, all the programs, courses and memberships you’ve purchased and tried in the past, but failed at, and slowly your enthusiasm slips out of you like water going down the drain. 

You switch your phone back to social media scrolling and grab a bag of chips, trying to ignore the voice asking “when are we going to commit to ourselves?”


“The most powerful thing for me was paying attention to how I feel - when I eat, drink, exercise, and think.

I learned not to keep doing the mindless things I had been doing just because it had become routine.

Breaking out of that pattern, paying attention to all of the things that didn't make me feel good, or made me feel good has led to better choices, patterns, and behaviours.

I also learned that saying no to certain things meant I was saying yes to myself and that was difficult for me. As a people pleaser, that was surely the most challenging thing to reframe. Now it feels empowering and there is self compassion in that process as well.”

Christine Duguay

With RMR you’ll feel confident and healthy.

You’ll learn to trust yourself and KNOW that when you take care of YOU, you have more energy to give fully and freely.

You will have clarity on what your self care essentials are, and execute them with ease.

Say goodbye to…

🙅 Hoping to feel happy and healthy one day, and like you have time to take care of yourself — but the million to-dos and stress and exhaustion are keeping you from making time

🙅… feeling disconnected from yourself and resentment towards the people you love, and WANT to love the most

🙅… Felling unhealthy and uncomfortable in your body every damn day because you’re stuck in self sabotage, inaction or overwhelm.

🙅… always feeling tired, sluggish, and drained — and worrying about the impact this will have on your life, the people you love, and your future.

🙅… lacking confidence and clarity on what makes you happy, and frustrated that you can’t seem to make changes that stick, or last.


Say Hello to…

🥳… Enjoying your life, feeling HEALTHY, HAPPY, calm, content and in control, with FREEDOM from people pleasing, self sabotaging, body image shame, and self criticism.

🥳… waking up in the morning feeling clear, energetic and ready for your day. Knowing how you will show up for yourself and connected to the people you love.

🥳… Getting dressed in clothes you love, feeling good in your body and about yourself, and confident in your ability to show up and create a life you LOVE and enjoy

🥳… never stressing that you will fall back to your old habits and ways when things get hard or you feel stressed, because you’ll have new habits and strategies that will help you navigate life in a positive and healthy way!


My time with Gwen taught me how to put myself first. I now sleep better, move my body more, spend time in nature, eat delicious and healthy meals, drink my water, have better boundaries, and engage in hobbies that bring me joy.

I learned that I am enough. Strong enough. Smart enough. Determined enough.

The most important thing I put into practice after working with Gwen is honoring myself. Taking time to check in with myself and do things that nourish my body, mind, and soul.”


Breaking Down Your Transformation:

 Radical Midlife Reboot is a multi month private, 1 on 1 coaching program customised to you, your unique challenges, and your goals for the ultimate health and happiness and wellness transformation. 

You will receive personal guidance and support, accountability, and sometimes some tough love on our weekly, 60 minute coaching calls. 

RMR includes all the supportive content and resources you will need to transform your life and the way you see it.

Everything from recipes, finding your purpose workbooks, guided meditations, sleep optimisation plans, and on and on… But more than all of that, you will have your own coach.

Coaches are experts in behaviour change and optimising human potential, that’s what makes working with a coach so unique.

And I am particularly skilled at seeing potential in women who think they may have lost theirs.

You haven’t! Let me show you!


The only thing standing between you and your ideal health and life, is CONSISTENTLY prioritising yourself, your health, and the things that bring you joy.

Radical Midlife Reboot is a CUSTOMISED TO YOU PLAN that will help you achieve the health and vitality you desire.

Step 1: Prioritise Your Health:

We'll lay the foundation for your journey. You'll learn how to nourish your body with anti-inflammatory foods, optimise sleep, boost your mental and emotional health, and move your body. Together, we'll set the stage for lasting change. (Most clients start to feel better physically and mentally within the first 10 days!)

Step 2: Banish Burnout with REAL Self-Care and Stress Management

It's time to say goodbye to the burnout blues. We'll dive into stress management techniques and mindfulness practices that work for you and your life. You'll discover how to embrace self-care as a vital part of your routine, soothing your mind and body, and naturally start setting boundaries LIKE A BOSS. Whaaaaat?

Yup, true story!

Step 3: Energise Your Body with Exercise, Rest and FUN

We'll discover the joy of physical activity that suits your unique needs and the season your in, learn how to relax (and enjoy it) and reconnect to your FUN, playful, driven, passionate, and silly self… The part of you that may well have been long forgotten, but is the missing ingredient in your health and happiness recipe.

A practical approach to midlife optimisation, health, joy, and happiness.

Let’s get your zesty sparkle back!


Imagine This:

Waking up each day with a renewed sense of energy and purpose.

Embracing physical activity that you genuinely enjoy and do consistently with ease.

Handling stress with grace, easily making time for your own needs, and feeling positive about your life and future.

Nourishing your body with delicious, healthy foods… and enjoying it! Wooooeeee! This is a good time.

Building strong, loving relationships that fill your life with joy, and unleashing your creativity and passions so you feel fully alive.🌟

My Personal Transformation:

As woman, an entrepreneur, a mom and caregiver to someone with an autoimmune disease that just won’t quit, I understand the demands of daily life.

I was once a people pleaser who felt guilty for putting myself first, ashamed for having desires outside of being a mother and a wife, and exhausted from the invisible load of being the default parent and go-to for EVERYTHING extra.

The result? Burnout, weight gain, gut drama, short fused, resentment, exhaustion, shutting down… Yeah, it wasn't great.

But I've experienced a remarkable transformation, and I want the same for you. It's possible, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.


Now, it’s your turn to THRIVE.

Do you WANT to reclaim your vitality, confidence, and self-worth?

Good, because it's about damn time!


"Over the weeks through the resources suggested I became more self-aware of what I needed to find my creative self and to be ok to make time for myself. To play and allow joy in my life without guilt or following that “mad woman voice”.  Gwen allowed me to take time for myself and get curious about how I really wanted my life to look, and coached me in a direction where the goals we talked about were/ are manifesting into real results! You reminded me of how to play and enjoy life again!"


"From working with Gwen, I took back my power. I felt light on my feet and clear-headed. I could then take a solid look at some underlying issues that stuck with me over the years. I uncovered many new challenges to face, but I felt like I was in a place to do it, and I had support from Gwen to talk through challenges, laugh and cry. I developed coping skills, kindness for myself, confidence, the ability to set boundaries, and realistic expectations."


“My experience working with Gwen was fabulous. She’s very intuitive and has so many skills in all areas of health and well-being. She’s the best, and was made to be a coach!”


"What I got [working with Gwen] was much deeper than [I expected] which ended up being more looking inside at how I treat and talk to myself and learning how to love myself and appreciate my body, no matter what I "look like"."

“Working with Gwen I experienced A HUGE movement or shift in food knowledge and managing body energy, not only through food, but through mind practices and body movement. Her coaching was an incredible experience. It was so supportive, informative, challenging, healing and rewarding. I thought it would be about olive oil and chickpeas BUT it was about that and so much more.” MP